About Us
Contact Us

Since 1993 Wes-Bran has offered a wide variety of services:
       : Air Conditioning and Heating sales, service, and installation
       : Commercial and Residential Duct Systems
       : Commercial Refrigeration 
       : Custom sheetmetal Fab Shop
       : Package unit curbs and curb adapters
       : Commercial and Residential Ventalation 

WES-BRAN MECHANICAL is family-owned and operated right here in Waco, TX. Since our company opened its doors in 1993, we’ve treated every customer like they were a part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services, but our services are the best, and come with a personal touch.  
WES-BRAN MECHANICAL ®          915 E Johnson St Waco,TX 76705           TACLA26245C                 (254)-799-9393
Service Maintenance Plans
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To inquire about pricing:
Or Call Us:
(254) 799-9393

915 E Johnson St
Waco, TX 76705